Aka: Phyl, Killa, Pete
Created: 13 of May 1989
Hometown: Cronulla, Sydney
Currently: Canggu, Bali.
What else do I do: Music, movies, beer, cricket, I just started Jiu Jitsu which is pretty wild.
Who makes my boards: James ‘Chilli ‘Cheal.
Local haunt: A warung at Echo Beach, there’s always so much happening it’s fun to just watch it all go on around you.
Best session: Some memorable ones happened a few years back at home at Voodoo and Cape Solander, some medium sized tubes and interesting conditions.. a couple of super enjoyable sessions here in Indonesia on the East Coast and at Deserts, I’d say those top the list.
Favourite Peak suit: The Climax L/S wetsuit top, use it all season long. The occasional time I have to jump in a steamer at home, the zip free Climax 3/2 steamer.
Any last words?
3 insta accounts we should suss:
Anything else we should know?
I didn’t used to like spicy food, now I do.
Instagram account: @dylanhayllar